How to CREATE a site on GITHUB? Uploading Site on GitHub by Doing Less

Hosting a static site on GitHub in under 10 minutes


How to create a site on GitHub without using any commands or coding. So, let's start. 

  • Signing up on

In the first step, you need to create an account on Github. So, go to and signup. Since this is for demo purposes I will be using a temporary mail. But you should use your real email while signing up. Here, choose your password. Select this username carefully. because this is going to be your site URL as shown on the screen. I am selecting a random one. Solve this captcha for human verification. After that click on create account. Check your email and verify the code to complete the signup process. 

  • Creating the first repository

Here are some personalized settings. You can set it if you want. But right now, I am not interested in it. So, I will skip it. Now, that the signup process is completed our next step is to create a repository. To create a repository go to your profile and select your repositories. And then click new. Another way to create a repository is to go to your home page and you will see this option right here. Or this option. Click any of these as all are the same options. As I told you earlier, your username is going to be your site URL. So, type here your exact username. With this username, add Now, make sure it is set to public. You may check this to add a readme file to your repository. However, it is optional. After that, click create a repository. So, done. It is created. 

  • Installing Github Desktop App

Now, we will install the GitHub desktop application for further process. Download and install the GitHub desktop. The link is given in the description. Since chrome detected it as unwanted but we know GitHub is a trusted organization. So, we will keep it. Now, I will open and wait for the installation to be completed. After installation, the desktop application will open automatically. If not, then open it manually. 

  • Signing into the Github Desktop App

Now, click sign-in to And you will be redirected to your browser. Here, authorise your desktop app. Click finish and you will be signed in. 

  • Uploading site source files onto GitHub

Here, you can see the repository that we have just created. Now, we will select it and clone it. But before we can clone this repository, we should make a folder on our desktop to make it easier to understand. Now, select your repository and click here. Here, I will choose the local path to the folder we have just created. And click clone. Wait for a few seconds. And done. Look, here is our repository files. We will add our site source files here. Let me find my website source files. Here are my source files. I have downloaded this template from template mo dot com. check out the link in the description. I will paste those files here in this folder. Note that it must have a file with the name, index.html. Once copied, then move on to your desktop app. And you will notice some changes in our repository. Now, we will commit to these changes. Type anything in the summary and click commit. Wait for a few seconds. Once committed, then click on push origin. Now, move on to your browser. Refresh the repository page. You can see, that this repository has our source files including this index.html file. Now let's test our site. Copy this address and paste it into a new tab. Just wait and refresh for a few seconds. As you can see our site is ready. 

  • How to connect your custom domain with the GitHub site

If you want to connect a custom domain to your GitHub site, then go to the settings of your repository. then go to pages. And here you can add your custom domain. Click here to learn more on how to add your custom domain. So, that's it for today. 

  • Uploading your site on GitHub practical demonstration (Video)

Ending remarks

In this article, we have successfully created our static site on I hope you would like it.  have further queries let me know in the comments. Happy Reading! Goodbye!
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